With the generally mild weather of late you could be forgiven for forgetting we’re just a few weeks from the winter solstice and the end of the year.

Are you ready for the colder weather when it does it arrive?

No matter where in the country you operate, the prospect of snow flurries affecting business is an annual consideration.

And for those operating in more extreme conditions, the impact of snowfall is a foregone conclusion that drives winter preparedness decisions at this time of year.

In addition to our extensive range of platforms, we offer various winter products including snow ploughs, towable or pedestrian salt spreaders, and sweepers.

A forklift can easily be converted into a powerful and effective snow clearing machine, and with heavy-duty rolled steel blades, all our snow ploughs are designed and manufactured to cope with even the heaviest and most compacted snow.

The range includes the Fixed blade, Adjustable blade and Sprung Loaded blade models.

But how do you know which plough to choose?

A fixed blade forklift snow plough is angled to clear snow to the left and is designed to work in the most arduous of snow conditions, more than suitable for ploughing fresh or hard compacted frozen snow.

Our adjustable forklift snow plough range comes with a fully adjustable blade, allowing the plough to sweep left, right or straight ahead.

Our sprung loaded snow plough also allows full blade adjustment but adds heavy duty shock absorbing springs, making the attachment ideal for clearing areas where there may be hidden objects such as raised manhole covers.

Whatever winter has in store for us this year, you can be sure that our plough range can help you clear a path to business continuity.