Call Us +44 (0)1686 611200
Proudly Made in the United Kingdom
Fixed blade position suitable for ploughing to the left
Fully adjustable blade for left, right or straight ploughing
Fully adjustable blade with shock absorbing springs
Bi-directional blade for clearing paths & driveways
'V' shaped blade allowing snow to slide off either side
Semi automatic drum lifter suitable for steel or mauser drums
Fully automatic drum lifter suitable for steel & plastic drums
Move drums from vertical to horizontal and vice versa
Speak to our friendly UK based team
Lines open
8:00 - 17:30 Mon - Thur
8:00 - 16:00 - Fri
Established in 1974, we entered the material handling market as one of very few suppliers, with an initial product range of forklift scoops, forklift extensions, and lifting crane jibs. Our product portfolio has grown since those early days to the comprehensive range that you see above.
Quality has always been at the core of our business, and we pride ourselves on offering our customers the very best products which provide true value for money.
From forklift tipping skips, forklift safety cages & platforms to forklift drum handling and more you can rest assured that our skilled workforce, innovative design team, and dedicated customer support are all ready and waiting to help with any material handling problem you may have.