When it comes to big clean-up jobs, choosing the right sweeper attachments for your forklift is an important decision. Whether tackling soil, sludge, woodchips, shrink-wrap, mud or other types of debris, the right attachment will ensure the task is both fast and efficient. Here’s a lowdown on how to select the right sweeper attachments for your needs.

Choosing The Right Forklift Sweeper

 There are many factors to consider when choosing a forklift sweeper, from the debris involved to the area to be cleared. Choosing wisely can ensure you get maximum value and efficiency from your sweeper.

What Kind Of Debris Will The Forklift Sweeper Be Used For?

The debris you handle will ultimately determine your sweeper choice. For metal debris such as nails, nuts, and bolts, a magnetic forklift sweeper is an ideal attachment to ensure you minimise the risk of tyre punctures. Alternatively, whether you have light waste or more stubborn materials to clear, there are various options from push broom sweepers and hydraulic rotary sweepers, to forklift yard scrapers more suitable to waste such as recycling. 

How Often Will The Forklift Sweeper Be Used?

If you intend to use a forklift sweeper frequently you will want to consider how the sweeper is attached to the forklift. From pedestrian or towable magnetic sweepers, to push broom or hydraulic rotary sweepers incorporating collection hoppers - all sweepers are designed for quick and easy attachment, however there will be a specific sweeper that best fits your clean up requirements.

               How Large Is The Surface Area That Needs Sweeping?              

Consider whether you need to clear debris indoors or outdoors, and the size of the surface area you need to work in. Some sweepers are designed for very small areas such as the pedestrian magnetic sweeper, whilst some are specifically designed for those larger-scale outdoor clearance tasks.

What Budget Is Available?

Whilst considering budget, also consider the lifespan of the sweeper you have in mind. Push broom sweepers, for example, usually feature replaceable bristles which extend the life of the product but also require future expenditure to replace them down the line. And some also come with the ability to adapt them later on with the addition of a magnet or swivel hitch.

A push broom sweeper is less expensive than a hydraulic rotary sweeper, however it does not feature a collection hopper. Consider whether this will result in significant extra manpower which could in some circumstances be less cost effective in the long run.


Push Broom Forklift Sweepers

Can The Bristles Be Replaced?

Most push broom sweepers include replaceable bristles as standard, which can extend the lifespan of the product providing a more cost-effective option.  

               Is It Suitable For Arduous Sweeping Environments?

Whilst entry-level push broom sweepers are designed for lighter debris, you shouldn’t underestimate this type of sweeper. With increased rows of thicker polypropylene bristles, mounted on a thicker durable steel body, a heavy-duty model will be suitable for the most demanding of environments including building sites, scrap yards, and quarries.       

               How Can It Be Fastened To The Forklift?

Attachment of the push broom sweeper is usually via safety screw clamps, or in the case of a heavy-duty model via 1000mm long fork pockets secured by heel pin retention. Both methods afford quick and efficient attachment to your forklift truck.


Hydraulic Rotatory Forklift Sweepers

Hydraulic forklift sweeper

Does It Have A Collection Hopper?

The hydraulic rotary forklift sweeper features a hydraulic waste collection hopper fitted as standard, which can be easily opened and closed via a lever within the cab. The deluxe version features an enclosed hydraulic collection hopper for use indoors.

Does It Have Wire In The Bristles?

Featuring a heavy-duty steel/PPN mix main rotary brush as standard on all models, this sweeper is suitable for the most laborious of clean-up tasks.

Is Your Forklift Compatible?

The hydraulic rotary sweeper attaches to your forklift via a simple hydraulic connection, making it compatible with most forklift trucks.  With the option of an extra three-point linkage, it can be tractor mounted too. 

Is The Sweeper Suitable For Indoor And Outdoor Sweeping?

Whilst all hydraulic rotary forklift sweepers are suitable for outdoor use, deluxe models such as the BEMA 40 offer the perfect solution for both indoor and outdoor sweeping. With an enclosed hydraulic collection hopper, all-around protective dust skirt, and rubber bumpers, this hydraulic forklift sweeper can offer virtually dust-free sweeping.